Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday, January 5th 2009

wow... a new year already. Hanging out with the family in the mountains was fun, but tiring and at times stressful as well. I didn't get the opportunity to share the gospel with them, or even talk about the Lord. They seem pretty shut off from hearing about God, especially my brother.

God save them. Change their hearts. Soften them so they want to hear about you. Guard Jen and Scott from the JW's that want to give them lies about you. Help us to love them and show them who Jesus really is.

On the way down the mountain, I was asked to teach John at the Bible college this spring. I'm scared, humbled, nervous, and excited all at the same time. It's a major time commitment, and I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. But God seemed to really give me peace during the service yesterday through 1 Cor. 15:10: "yet not I, but the grae of God which was with me"... and 2 Cor. 12:9: "My grace is sufficient for you, My strength is made perfect in weakness". The more I think about it, the more humbled I am. I'm just not worthy in so many ways. Maybe that is what God wants. To take the most unlikely person so that He gets the glory. God, please help me not to screw this up. Help me to stay comitted by your grace, and please bring glory to your name. I need you. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Please help me to be a faithful steward of the students attending the class, and may you teach them by your Holy Spirit.

I think God is going to change me far more than any of the students through this class.... God help me.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dec. 23rd 2008

Lord, I thank you you for always being so long suffering with me. After the surgery for my tonsils I had such a horrible time. I walked away from you, my heart became hard, I filled my life with distractions. Please forgive me. Please cleanse me. I want you at the forefront of my life again. Help me to remember my first love again.

I'm reading this book called John that walks through in fiction format the life of John and everything he went through from being imprisoned in Rome, to being on Patmos, to writing the gospel letter. it's written in such a way that it puts you back in the time and place. I tossed and turned thinking about it all last night. Putting myself back in that time thinking what it would be like in the early Church when Jesus was still fresh in everyone's minds. Fighting off persecution, battling the gnostic and pagan heretics, and finding ground to stand on. No doubt, they had a huge helping of the HS to help them along the way through these trials. it was also cool thinking about how John might have written the gospel itself. Many times I think I mistakenly think that writers in the Bible were in some kind of trance for lack of a better word, but I know better than that. It was probably a very down to earth and practical job to write down the accounts that John had been through 60 years earlier. Having the Lord simply guide him.

God I want to lift up my brother and sister, they don't know you and my heart longs to have true fellowship with them, and to see them come to know the truth in Your Word. Please save them. If you give us opportunity to share with them, please give us the words to say, and work a miracle.

You are good. Draw me close to you. Lead me and guide me through the Christmas services. Bring people to know you through the message. Annoint Pastor Brian to speak your word boldly, guard him and his family from attack.

I Love you.